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Tanks Encyclopedia 11,417 likes · 261 talking about this All about the tactics, battles, technology and evolution of tanks and armored vehicles worldwide from their origin to contemporary conflicts54 tanks, including 12 brand new T62s, 66 BMP1s, 6 BRDM2s, 10 BTRs, 8 EE9 Cascavels, 12 vehicles of the 2K12 Kub system (2P25s and at least one 1S91), 4 9K35 Strela10s, 4 ZSU234 Shilkas, 18 BM21 Grads, 92 antiaircraft guns, over 100 soft skin vehicles, 2 additional SIAIMarchetti SF260 Prop Trainers, 11 L39 Albatros Jet Trainers, and one 1 Mi25 attack helicopterWhile the design of this tank proved to be lacking in many regards, its production was a real testament to the power of the weakened Hungarian heavy industry An

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Htz 16 Tanki S World Of Tanks

T-70 tank encyclopedia

T-70 tank encyclopedia-World of Tanks on Console is a freetoplay, teambased MMO dedicated to strategic armored warfare in the midth centuryVind fantastische aanbiedingen voor t70 tank Winkel met vertrouwen

Krab 155 Mm Self Propelled Howitzer Poland Thai Military And Asian Region

Krab 155 Mm Self Propelled Howitzer Poland Thai Military And Asian Region

Tanks portal The Tiger I ( listen (help·info) ), a German heavy tank of World War II, operated from 1942 in Africa and in the Soviet Union, usually in independent heavy tank battalions It was designated Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf H during development but was changed to Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf E during productionDeveloped in October and November 1941 at the Construction Bureau of the Gorky Automobile Plant under the supervision of N A Astrov The vehicle came into service in January 1942, and it was massproduced until October 1943, with a total of 31 vehicles manufactured Some vehicles were used until the end of the war T70 video review covering the main vehicle characteristicsTank T70 byl navržen, aby nahradil nedostatky typu T60 Vyráběn byl od března roku 1942 až do října 1943 a bylo vyrobeno 8 226 kusů, které postupně nahrazovaly tank T60 Jeho 45mm kanon však na střední tanky, které již tehdy ve výzbroji nepřítele převažovaly, nestačil, proto byl tank nasazován zejména jako průzkumný

Wargaming's care about the historical accuracy of the BatignollesChâtillon vehicle is, however, very lackluster to say the least, with the recent Bourrasque premium tank being the worst offender – combining real elements of the 12 tons project, of which development ended in September of 1951, with an inaccuratelymodeled turret from the 1970sT70 is similar to these weapons T40, T50 tank, T26 and more The Kliment Voroshilov (KV) tanks, a series of Soviet heavy tanks named after the Soviet defence commissar and politician Kliment Voroshilov, operated with the Red Army during World War IIT72 The T72 is a family of Soviet main battle tanks that first entered production in 1971 About ,000 T72 tanks have been built, and refurbishment has enabled many to remain in service for decades The T72A version introduced in 1979 is considered a secondgeneration main battle tank

T70 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt Tính năng Tạo tài khoản · Hướng dẫn người mới · Quy định · Viết bài mới · Chỗ thử · Câu thường hỏi · Sách hướng dẫn · Dịch bài · Thêm chú thích · Thảo luận · Liên hệ quản lý Tiêu chuẩn bài viết Đủ độ nổi bật, văn phong trungDe T70 was een SovjetRussische lichte tank die ontworpen werd in de Tweede WereldoorlogHij was bedoeld om de T60 en T50 te vervangen, die respectievelijk dienstdeden als verkenningstank en infanterietank De tank had twee bemanningsleden en werd later vervangen door de T80 met een tweemanskoepel De tank werd nauwelijks geproduceerd, omdat lichte tanks uit de oorlogSep 3, 15 T70 in winter paint with a patriotic slogan Esplora Accedi Registrati Visita Articolo di tanksencyclopediacom T70 Soviet light tank (1942) The T70 replaced the T60 as a standard reconnaissance light tank

German Blitzkrieg1940 Tanks Military German Tanks War Tank

German Blitzkrieg1940 Tanks Military German Tanks War Tank

Krab 155 Mm Self Propelled Howitzer Poland Thai Military And Asian Region

Krab 155 Mm Self Propelled Howitzer Poland Thai Military And Asian Region

To replace the tens of thousands of tanks lost in the first six months of the war, in 1942, the Soviet tank industry introduced an improved variant of the T34 medium tank, as well as a new light tank, the T70, producing around 12,500 T34 and 4,900 T70 tanks that year · The T70, certainly the most prolific light tank series at that time T18 960 built – obsolete by 1941, used for training Some 70 were upgunned with a HV 45 mm (177 in) gun in 1941, and used as bunkers T27 2750 built – obsolescent tankettes, still used as scouts, armed gun tractors and for training T37AWorld of Tanks on Console — KNOW YOUR WAR!

T 55 130 Self Propelled Gun Tank Encyclopedia

T 55 130 Self Propelled Gun Tank Encyclopedia

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Tanks Encyclopedia Home Facebook

Tanks Encyclopedia 11K likes All about the tactics, battles, technology and evolution of tanks and armored vehicles worldwide from their origin to contemporary conflicts · The Soviet T70 tank was a product of the modernization of its predecessor, the light tank T60 Works on the creation and improvement of the T70 tank were carried out at the Gorky Automobile Plant, and the project manager was engineer Nikolai Astrov One of the features of this tank was the equipping of two carburetor engines GAZ2 In addition, the tank was equippedT70 Growing Up On July th, 1941, the Red Army adopted the T60 small tank into service This was a necessary measure, as incredible losses of tanks in the first month of the Great Patriotic War had to be replenished, and mass production of the T50 wasn't getting off the ground Even if the goal of producing 10,000 tanks in 1941 was not

1942 Combat Damage Analysis Of The T 34 And T 70 Tanks Tank Encyclopedia

1942 Combat Damage Analysis Of The T 34 And T 70 Tanks Tank Encyclopedia

Htz 16 Tanki S World Of Tanks

Htz 16 Tanki S World Of Tanks

Developed in October and November 1941 at the Construction Bureau of the Gorky Automobile Plant under the supervision of N A Astrov The vehicle came into service in January 1942, and it was massproduced until October 1943, with a total of 31 vehicles manufactured Some vehicles were used until the end of the war · The T70 was a light tank used by the Red Army during World War II, replacing both the T60 scout tank for reconnaissance and the T50 light infantry tank for infantry support The T80 light tank was a more advanced version of the T70 with a twoman turret—it was only produced in very small numbers when light tank production was abandonedTanks Encyclopedia 4 hrs · find article link in comments The second half of the 19th century was a period of rapidly increasing industrialization and the development of better and better machines, refined by science and war Old tactics and concepts of warfare had to evolve and keep up as new devices, like a reliable modern machine gun, were

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Kpz 70 Tanks Military Army Vehicles Military Vehicles

T 38 Light Tank Panzer 38 T In Hungarian Service With Thescottishkoala Youtube

T 38 Light Tank Panzer 38 T In Hungarian Service With Thescottishkoala Youtube

A seventh roadwheel was raised up at the front, acting as track tensioner and idler The specifically designed V4 diesel inlinesix engine offered 300 hp (2 kW) and a 21 hp/tonne (16 kW/tonne) ratio This gave a top speed of 60 km/h (37 mph) and 2 km (140 mi) operational rangeFrance (s) Light tank None built From the 1930s to the 1950s, the French company of BatignollesChâtillon, based in Germany (1941) SelfPropelled Antitank Gun 2 prototypes built During the Second World War, the German Army (Ger Heer) sawThe T80 is a main battle tank (MBT) designed and manufactured in the Soviet UnionWhen it entered service in 1976, it was the second MBT in the world to be equipped with a gas turbine engine after the Swedish Strv 103 and the first to use it as a primary propulsion engine The T80U was last produced in a factory in Omsk, Russia, while the T80UD and furtherdeveloped T84

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T 70 Wikipedia

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